Osteoarthritis In Fingers

Osteoarthritis In Fingers – Pain and Limited Mobility

All forms of arthritis of the hands and fingers can cause swelling, pain, stiffness, and even deformities. Osteoarthritis in the hands sometimes causes bony nodules in the middle joint of the finger  called Bouchard’s nodes, or at the end joint of the finger which is known as Heberden’s nodes. Having osteoarthritis in the fingers is very a common disease among the elderly. We often especially find deformed and enlarged finger joints in those individuals who perform daily manual labor such as life on a farm.

Osteoarthritis in Fingers

Many people do not mind this condition because for them it does not considerably limit daily functions so the condition does not seem serious. But for many this condition is a significant disability. Individuals who are abusing their hands with overuse and those having injuries have a much higher possibility of being affected by this disease.

Bones of the Hand

There are 27 bones and joints in the hand. These bones are connected with cartilage which is the fibrous substance that provides a wearing surface for the joints of the body. Our hands are more prone to acquire osteoarthritis because from time to time we uses hand in everything that we do. The main cause of osteoarthritis in fingers is the damage of the cartilages and other connective tissue. There are also other factors that puts one in greater risk of getting the disease. Aging is one cause of this disease due to repetitive use and stresses in the joints. Family history is another factor that impacts the development of this disease.

Arthritis in Fingers

The signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis in fingers are pain in the joint, tenderness, inflammation, stiffness, creaky joint, warmness and a loss of mobility. Osteoarthritis can also cause fever. You may see redness on the affected part. The best thing that you can do is to prevent and minimize the pain of this disease.

Psoriatic Arthritis Natural Remedies - Apple Cider Vinegar

One effective remedy for osteoarthritis in fingers is apple cider vinegar. This is proven to ease the pain of this disease. You can mix this vinegar in a bowl of water and stir. Then you can either soak your fingers for 10- 15 minutes or soak a piece of cloth and wrap it around your fingers.

Hot and Cold Compresses on Hands

Hot and cold compress application will also help in easing the pain. The application should start in hot compress for 60 seconds followed by a cold compress application for about 30 seconds.

Medication  for osteoarthritis in fingers is widely available in drugstores. But before buying them you should always consult your doctor so that you will be given appropriate advice on which medications will work best for you. A popular alternative to chemical medications is through natural remedies, but you still consult with your physician, whether going the traditional route or the natural way.

For a full range of natural solutions for osteoarthritis in fingers please see out page on Osteoarthritis Natural Remedies.

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