Arthritis Joint Pain Relief – Thirteen Simple Home Remedies

Which of these have you tried?

Joint abuse and autoimmune conditions are the most prevelant factors known to cause arthritis and joint pain. Joint swelling, stiffness, redness and warmth are typical symptoms along with the pain and arthralgia (aching or pain in the joints).

13 Arthriti Home Remediess

To combat the pain, swelling, stiffness and lack of mobility from arthritis almost all sufferers look to simple home remedies for relief. Arthritis home remedies are almost as common as arthritis itself, but are they effective?

Nothing works for everyone, but there are some remedies that might help ease your symptoms and keep you from feeling so miserable. If you want to try natural home remedies for arthritis you might want to look into some of these common home arthritis remedies.

13 Home Remedies for Relieving Arthritis Joint Pain

1. Flaxseed has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. One may consume one tablespoon of flaxseed thrice a day to get relief from arthritis joint pain. Flaxseed oil may also be used for cooking.


2. A half teaspoon of cinnamon powder mixed with one tablespoon honey may be taken every morning before breakfast to get rid of arthritis pain.


3. The magnesium rich Epsom salt bath remarkably reduces arthritis joint pain. Also one may take a mixture of 3 tablespoons Epsom salt and 3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice in a cup of warm water every morning in order to reduce the pain.

Epsom Salt Bath

4. Drinking alfalfa tea effectively reduces arthritis pain.

Alfalfa Tea

5. Taking turmeric as a supplement or when added to food reduces arthritis pain.

Curcumin/Tumeric for Arthritis Pain Relief

6. Many people find that taking a half inch slice of ginger daily offers relief from arthritis pain.


7. Taking 2 tablespoons of cod liver oil or cod liver supplements daily is highly beneficial for treating arthritis pain.

Cod Liver Oil

8. Many attest that raw potato juice lessens arthritis pain and inflammation.

Potato Juice

9. A bowl of of green gram soup can be an effective home remedy for arthritis joint pain.

10. Two tablespoons of heated castor oil may be added to a glass of orange juice and drunken early in the morning before breakfast. to lessen arthritis pain.

Caster Oil & Orange Juice

11. Massaging aching joints with a mixture of heated camphorated coconut oil or mustard oil helps relieves pain.

Rubbing Oils Osteoarthritis Natural Remedies

12. Alternate applications of hot and cold compresses on arthritic joints reduces pain.

Hot and Cold Compresses on Hands

13. Rubbing ice cubes wrapped in cloth on aching joints eases pain.

Ice Cubes wrapped in Cloth

These are just some of the simple natural remedies that may help you find relief from the pain and suffering from arthritis inflammation. Check out our Arthritis Supplements and Herbal Remedies page for lots more!

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