The two most common forms of arthritis are rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disorder that progresses over time. It hits the joints, usually in the areas of the knees, hips and neck. Arthritis neck pain caused by osteoarthritis is no ordinary pain. Intense pain and swelling can be expected from it.
The cervical vertebrae of the human body are made up of seven bones. In each vertebra, a cartilage disc is present in between. Connected then to the spine is a large mass of muscles and ligaments that spreads out and distributed to the back and in scapular area. The vertebral column also known as the spine serves as a protection of the spinal cord and is the one supporting the head as it moves. And as one ages, these discs and vertebrae go through the process of wear and tear. As a result, the discs become finer making the spaces between each vertebra to become narrow. A formation of spurs called osteophytes at edge of any of the vertebra and joint is also can be seen. This is called cervical spondylitis or most commonly known as osteoarthritis. Arthritis neck pain is mainly due to that narrowing of the spaces of each vertebra that result to pressure the nerves and discs.
Arthritis neck pain may either a result from the strained neck ligaments or joints’ lining that have worn out over time. It is also possible that this may be brought on by a bulging disc that comes in contact with the nerve roots that causes arm numbness and neck pain. If this is the case, a vertebral artery is being nipped, the blood supply going to brain may be impeded, resulting in hypoxia which leads to the loss of his or her balance and feel dizzy.
At first, the pain may deter or prevent the patient from performing normal life activities. This may even make things worse because this may cause your neck muscles to weaken and stress due to prolonged immobility. Arthritis neck pain can be extremely agenizing with either consistent broad type pain or sharp shooting pains. If you have experienced neck pains from arthritis for a long period of time or there is continued starting and stopping of sensations then professional contacting your medical professional is recommended.
There are arthritis neck pain natural remedies that can you may look into. Pain relief medications such as acetaminophen or NSAIDs are typically taken and numerous natural alternatives to fight the pain and inflammation may be considered such as flaxseed, turmeric, ginger, cod liver oil, castor oil, boswellia, CBD oil, devil’s claw, apple cider vinegar, aloe vera, bromelain, black currant oil, borage oil, fish oil, gamma-linolenic acid, green tea, green-lipped mussel, thunder god vine, pine bark and rose hips.
Many turn to topical medications such as analgesic creams while giving the area a gentle massage for a more soothing effect. All natural pain relieving creams can be made yourself with a combination of a coconut oil and beeswax base mixed with camphor oil, peppermint essential oil and eucalyptus essential oil.
If you suffer from serious arthritis neck pain, do not delay in seeking a medical professionals help and suggest these arthritis neck pain natural remedies as a first strategy or in addition to their recommendation..